Enhancing knowledge sharing in the Eastern Nile Basin

A hub of Eastern Nile Basin researchers, with the aim of fostering the exchange of knowledge and understanding across all aspects of the Nile basin management
Eastern Nile Research Universities and Centers (ENRUC)

A network for gathering researchers from Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and beyond to study the management of the Eastern Nile’s physical, social, and institutional aspects.

Workshop in Entebbe, Uganda. 3rd – 6th June 2024
Workshop in Entebbe, Uganda. 3rd – 6th June 2024

The recent workshop in Entebbe, Uganda marked a significant milestone as the inaugural in-person gathering for the project’s second phase. Its primary objective was to expand the ENRUC network designed to facilitate information and knowledge exchange

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ENRUC Network second webinar


The theme of the webinar was “Hydrology, Climate, and Cooperative Solutions in the Nile Basin: Balancing Water and Energy Needs“. Prof. Elfatih Eltahir gave a first presentation about…

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ENRUC third webinar

This webinar on sustainable water management and agricultural productivity in the Eastern Nile Basin, with focus on Nile Delta, featured presentations on innovative strategies for enhancing rural economic growth through energy-efficient water innovations in the Nile Delta, emphasizing Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) and Modern Irrigation Systems (MIS). Dr. Makram Belhaj Farj ….

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Promoting collaborative efforts among neighboring nations to bolster mutual ties, enhance development opportunities, and foster socio-economic growth within a specific geographical region.


Elevating awareness and comprehension of the ecological, hydrological, and socio-political dynamics inherent to the Eastern Nile Basin through research, education, and information dissemination.


Creating an extensive repository of information encompassing diverse aspects of the Eastern Nile Basin, including environmental data, historical context, demographic trends, and economic indicators.

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